Corporate Photography
Our system is tailor-made for the ever-changing corporate world. Not only do we provide high quality headshots and candid images to capture the essence of your organization, but we can also create a dynamic group image that can be updated whenever you desire.
With our Group Compositing system, you do not have to assemble your entire workforce to get one perfect shot. Each person is photography individually, and then the group image is constructed using those individual images. This guarantees everyone’s eyes are open, employees are relaxed, and the lighting is perfect. Plus YOU get to choose the background from our extensive library of graphic designs, or we can photograph a key place of note in your building and use that just for your team!
We will keep your images on file, and as your team evolves we can quickly add or remove members as needed. This way new hires can be photographed as they join, and your corporate photo can always be up-to-date!